
Pastor Matt Filbert and Associate Pastor Tim McClain

Matt Filbert originally hails from the small town of Winchester, Kansas, which has a rich Reformed Presbyterian history. He attended Kansas State University for a portion of his undergraduate studies, but ultimately graduated with a history degree from Sterling (Kansas) College in 1995. He received a M.Div. from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1998. After seminary, Matt approached the Global Mission Board of the RPCNA with a proposal for a short-term missions agency. He began RP Missions and served as it’s director until the summer of 2020. Matt became the senior pastor in 2020 where he has been shepherding the flock through online and in person services.

Tim McClain is a native of Beaver County, Pennsylvania. He has a window washing business and gets to see all of the best sites around town from the end of a squeegee. Tim also received an M.Div. from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pa. Among his many duties at the church, he preaches bi-weekly at the Reformed Presbyterian Home, our denominational nursing home and assisted living facility.

Congregational Missionaries

Pastor Lucas Hanna and Family

Former Pastor Lucas Hanna and his family arrived on the mission field in South Sudan in January 2020. They are part of the Cush4Christ mission team. While they are there, Pastor Lucas is involved in the training and discipleship of indigenous pastors, and the family is involved with Cush Christian School and witnessing to their neighbors among many other things.


Glenn Aley
David Schaefer
David Tweed


Jack Delivuk
Marilyn Roll
Matt Thompson (treasurer)
Ruth Vos